We have all had a “bad” night’s sleep. It’s time to seek assistance when you have frequent “bad” nights, and/or poor sleep interferes with daily life. Poor sleep may reduce your ability to learn, think, and pay attention to details. It can increase your risk of accidental injury while driving or operating machinery.
If you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering from one of the over 80 recognized sleep disorders, an accredited sleep center such as Iowa Sleep can help determine why you are having those “bad” nights and help you return to a good night’s sleep.
Instead of spending another sleepless night or taking over-the-counter medications, seek the professional advice from a certified sleep specialist.
Can’t sleep? Still feeling tired the next day after a full night’s sleep? Do you have episodes of falling asleep unintentionally? Do you awaken too early or have difficulty awakening? Do you snore? Does snoring awaken you or your bed partner? Do you awaken with a headache? Do you have an urge to keep moving your legs at bedtime or have a rhythmic twitching of the legs after falling asleep? Do you have unusual behaviors during sleep such as sleepwalking? These are typical complaints that may indicate you have a sleep disorder. These conditions often go unrecognized, leading individuals to suffer needlessly when testing and effective treatment is readily available.
We can help. The professionals at Iowa Sleep are qualified to diagnose and treat all sleeping disorders.
Beginning the journey to more restful sleep starts with a call to our sleep center. You will have an initial consultation with a sleep specialist who will determine what testing is required. If you need an overnight sleep study, you will spend a night in one of our comfortable sleep rooms. Specially trained sleep technicians will monitor your sleep to help the physician determine your plan of care. After your study is complete, you will meet with your sleep specialist who will review all tests performed and any treatments that may be prescribed for you.
I could not believe, after all of these nights of poor sleep, that Dr. Zorn could help me so well. I plan to tell all my friends about his great work!