Iowa Sleep Blog

Am I Getting Enough Sleep?

Monday, November 07, 2016
In today’s busy world we all try to cut corners somewhere to fit in all that we want or need to do. Regretfully for many cutting back on sleep seems like a reasonable solution. Over time sleep loss of even just 1-2 hours per night can result in sleep deprivation. There’s a big difference between the amount of sleep your body and brain needs to the amount of sleep you can get…

Human Clock

Monday, October 17, 2016
Everyone has an internal clock called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (or SCN for short).Like all clocks it turns on and off-- resulting in periods of wake and sleep. Some clocks are delayed. This genetic condition is called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS). It causes a problem. The individual can’t get to bed at a regular time and can’t get out of bed at a regular time. …

How to Travel with CPAP

Monday, May 23, 2016
Summer is almost here, which means kids will be out of school and family vacations will be underway. To make sure you have enough energy to enjoy the sights, activities and long hours that come with vacations (or long meetings that come with business travel), it’s important to make sure you’re getting quality sleep every night. For people with sleep apnea, traveling with a CPAP can seem…

The Cost of Untreated Sleep Problems

Monday, May 16, 2016
While it might seem easier to push through a hard week or month at work or school by staying late working or studying extra hours, you are actually doing more harm than good. Last month, NPR did a report on how sleeplessness impacts workers and the workplace. They found that, when sleep deprived, you’re grouchier and more error-prone, which isn’t great for you or your employer. Sleep…

Quality vs. Quantity – What’s More Important for Sleep?

Monday, April 25, 2016
In the busy lives of people in the U.S., the phrase, “you can sleep when you’re dead” is used all too often. In reality, sleep is an extremely important part of keeping our bodies operating in tip-top shape. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between how you feel after a good night’s sleep, and how you feel when you’ve been burning the midnight oil. Many people, especially…

Are Sleep Problems Familial?

Monday, April 18, 2016
There’s probably at least one person in your family, be it your dad, a grandparent or even an aunt, that everyone makes fun of for snoring, sleep talking, or being an insomniac. But did you know that some of those sleep disorders could be familial? Researchers are conducting more studies to find links between the sleep disorders and patterns of parents and their children, as…

How to Sleep Better with ADHD

Monday, April 11, 2016
For many, the ability to fall asleep at night does not come easy. They feel distracted or hyperactive and unable to focus on just one thing, such as relaxing and getting ready for sleep. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects about nine percent of children and four percent of adults in the U.S., and really has an impact on sleep. When you have ADHD, it can be hard to…

Sleeping for Two: Pregnancy and Sleep

Monday, April 04, 2016
Pregnancy is an exciting time for new mothers and their families, as their bodies are growing, changing and preparing to carry your little bundle (or bundles) of joy. As you progress through the three trimesters, your sleep habits will begin to change, and at some point, it might feel downright hard to sleep at all. To help prepare for sleeping while being pregnant, we’ve gathered up some…

Sleep Awareness Week 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016
Last week was National Sleep Awareness Sleep Week, and the National Sleep Foundation has some tips for better sleep that we think are pretty great. We’ve included them below and added our thoughts. 1. Start making time for the sleep your mind and body needs – Sleep does so many important things for our body, so it’s important to make sure you are getting the recommended…

Don’t Lose Sleep to Daylight Saving Time

Monday, March 07, 2016
For many, the beginning of daylight saving time marks the beginning of spring, and the unfortunate loss of one hour from the day. Daylight saving time was first enacted in Europe in 1916, in hopes to cut down energy use in the spring and summer, when it stays light out for longer into the evening. Here are a few easy tips to make the “spring forward” time adjustment – happening at 2…